In-person, face-to-face communication can be hard to beat -we understand this. That's why CCP Gransden regularly attends numerous industry events. The key confirmed shows (so far) you will find our team at this year are, in date order:
- JEC World in Paris, France
- Paris Airshow, France
- International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) in Belfast, UK
- International Composites Summit (ICS) in London, UK
- Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) in London, UK
- The Advanced Engineering Show in Birmingham, UK
We also are in regular attendance at different Composites UK, NIACE, NCC, and ADS events across the year.
We value our strong networks. Not just our customers, all our wider connections too; suppliers, universities, industry bodies, government, research partners, and more...
Please come and speak with our friendly team at anytime.